Welcome to Haiku Canada

Haiku Canada Members

Members wishing to have their biography and photo (optional) listed in the directory need to contact the web master for Haiku Canada at bio@haikucanada.org

Robyn Cairns

Elena Calvo
  • Biographie…

Mariangela Canzi
  • Biographie…

Anne Carney

Louise Carson
  • Biographie…

Terry Ann Carter
  • Biographie…

Laurence Cénédèse

Louise Chase

Jie Chen

Jean-Hughes Chevy

Lysa Collins

Susan Colpitts

Micheline Comtois-Cécyre

Vera Constantineau
  • Biographie…

Sophia Conway
  • Biographie…

Bryan Cook

Jeanne Cook

Bill Cooper

Ellen Cooper

Pamela Cooper

Claudette (Clodeth) Côté

Nane Couzier

Dina E. Cox
  • Biographie…

Elizabeth Crocket
  • Biographie…

Daniel Shank Cruz
  • Biographie…

Dan Curtis