Haiku Canada Members
Members wishing to have their biography and photo (optional) listed in the
directory need to contact the web master for Haiku Canada at bio@haikucanada.org
Andrew MacDonald
Susan Mackenzie
Carole MacRury
Anne Marie Madziak
• Biography…
Lillian Nakamura Maguire
Dorothy Mahoney
Louise Martin
Carole Martignacco
Diane Massam
Stacy McCarty
Vicki McCullough
Tanya McDonald
Angelle McDougal
Leanne McIntosh
Ethel Meilleur
Ruth Mittelholtz
Emiko Miyashita
Tania Mohsen
Monty Moniz
Mike Montreuil
• Biography…
Joanne Morcom
• Biography…
Isabella Mori
Anne Morrigan
Wilda Morris
Sharon Morrison
Katherine Munro
• Biography…